(028) 394 92 902

(028) 394 92 902


Welcome to our FAQ section! Here, you will find answers to some of the most common questions we receive about our products, services, and company policies. We’ve compiled this information to help you find quick and easy solutions to your queries. If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please feel free to reach out to us directly, and our team will be happy to assist you.

❓Question 1: What is OEM/ODM manufacturing? Which model are you offering?

🧐OCM answer:

  • Please refer to the link for a detailed comparison between OEM and ODM models.(What is the difference between Private Label/OEM/ODM cosmetic?)
  • At OCM Vietnam Corporation, we offer both OEM and ODM services tailored to meet our clients’ specific standards and objectives. However, the majority of our current projects are focused on ODM, where we deliver finished products, allowing clients to concentrate solely on their brand development and business growth. Regardless of the model, we are committed to delivering superior product quality and exceptional customer service with dedication and efficiency. 

❓Question 2: What services do you offer?

🧐OCM answer:

  • We are a one-stop OEM/ODM manufacturer, providing a comprehensive range of services, including formulation and packaging development, production, quality control, and logistics.
  • You can learn more about our capabilities by clicking this [link]

❓Question 3: Do you have your own brand?

🧐OCM answer:

  • We, OCM, do not have our own brand; rather, we specialize exclusively in providing OEM, ODM, and private label services. Our focus is entirely on contributing to the growth and success of our clients’ brands.

❓Question 4: What are your main products?

🧐OCM answer:

  • We, at OCM, specialize in a diverse range of products, including but not limited to personal care (haircare, body care, oral care, perfume, aromatherapy, etc.), skincare, homecare, and pet care products. Our experienced R&D team excels in developing various formulations such as liquids, foams, gels, creams, lotions with a wide array of packaging options. Currently, we do not offer makeup, color products, or aerosol products. For a comprehensive overview of our typical product offerings, please refer to our product catalog at [link]. If you have requirements for products not listed, please contact us for personalized consultation.

❓Question 4: What is the minimum order quantity (MOQ)?

🧐OCM answer:

  • It will depend on the type of products and specific requirements. We can discuss further details and negotiate when you meet with our technical sales team. However, we do offer special support for new potential overseas clients on their initial orders, in line with business growth considerations.

❓Question 5: Can you develop products according to our specifications?

🧐OCM answer:

  • Development and customization are among our core strengths. Our in-house laboratory, staffed by a highly experienced R&D team, is equipped to develop a wide range of products tailored to your specifications and requirements. By providing us with a detailed product brief, including your vision for the final product, benchmark products, and cost targets, we will work closely with you to create formulations and packaging that closely align with your description. We focus not only on meeting your product specifications but also on addressing marketing claims, target market needs, and regulatory requirements for your intended market.
  • Please click here to download the product brief and send it back to us via email at Our team will connect with you as soon as possible.

❓Question 6: How long does the product development process take?

🧐OCM answer:

  • The timeline will depend on the complexity and innovation of your requirements. Development time can range from one week to several weeks. Each product is treated as a unique project, and our team is skilled in project and time management to transform your concept into a prototype that meets your satisfaction. 

❓Question 7: Who are your main clients?

🧐OCM answer:

  • We have been expanding into both domestic and international markets. We have established partnerships with international companies such as Unilever, Marico South East Asia, Wipro Unza, Aeon, Earth Corporation, and Miniso, as well as local conglomerates like Masan and various KOLs and online platform clients. We offer specialized products for different segments, including male, female, baby, and pet care, which are sold in Walmart, Amazon, hypermarkets, supermarkets, online platforms, and drugstores. We are proud to support their brands’ sustainable growth.

❓Question 8: What are your main export countries?

🧐OCM answer:

  •  We started our export business in 2017, two years after our company was established. Our products have been introduced in Japan, India, Taiwan, the United States, Australia, and other countries. We are currently expanding our client base internationally to include Canada, New Zealand, France, Singapore, South Korea, and more, and we will soon be entering new markets.

❓Question 9: Are your products compliant with international regulations?

🧐OCM answer:

  • To meet the regulatory requirements of our clients’ target markets, we ensure compliance from the initial product development stage. While we cannot know every law in every country, we continuously learn and stay updated through detailed communication with our clients. We then adapt flexibly to customize products according to their specific needs, considering regulations related to claims, labeling, certification, and more to ensure that clients can legally launch their products in their target markets.
  • You can learn more about how we adapt to the U.S. market by complying with FDA MoCRA 2022 at the following [link].

❓Question 10: What certifications do you hold?

🧐OCM answer:

  • We ensure that we have the necessary certifications for the cosmetics manufacturing industry, such as ISO and GMP. We will continuously update our certifications, so please check the [link] to see the current certifications at our facility.

❓Question 11: Do you offer confidentiality agreements (NDA)?

🧐OCM answer:

  • Yes, we are willing to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) upon request from clients and will ensure that we fully comply with our commitments.

❓Question 12: How do we start a partnership with you?

🧐OCM answer:

  • Please kindly send us an email at or submit your request directly here Our team will connect you back right after that.