(028) 394 92 902

(028) 394 92 902




Product Information:

Pet Hair Serum with a formula that utilizes natural Hemp seed oil, rich in vitamins, Omega 3, and Omega 6, helps keep your pet’s fur shiny, soft, and smooth.


  • The serum helps make your pet’s fur soft and smooth.
  • It restores damaged fur, keeping your pet’s coat always shiny and smooth.
  • It leaves a pleasant scent on the fur.

Good for:

Dogs, cats.




Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil Hemp Seed Oil – a natural oil rich in vitamins (A, D, E), Omega 3, and Omega 6 helps keep your pet’s fur always moisturized, shiny, soft, and smooth.


Clean and dry your pet’s fur. Take a small amount of serum, about 1 – 2 drops or more depending on your pet’s size, thickness, and length of fur, then apply it evenly all over your pet’s coat. Remember to gently massage the serum into the skin and fur. Wait for the serum to be fully absorbed and dry naturally on the skin and fur before allowing your pet to move freely.

Note: Avoid contact with your pet’s eyes and mouth. Keep away from direct sunlight.

OEM service at OCM Vietnam Corporation

OCM Vietnam specializes in the production of a wide range of Pet care products designed to cater to different skin types. Our R&D experts are dedicated to tailoring formulas according to clients’ requirements, ensuring alignment with brand guidelines and pricing considerations.

At OCM, clients have a wide range of typical choices, such as:

  • Abundant incorporation of nutrients and diverse extracts.
  • Multi-purpose: Prevents fur loss, moisturizes, keeps pet fur soft and smooth.


Depending on the characteristics of the product type, OCM will provide advice and support to clients in finding suitable packaging designs at reasonable prices.

Here are some commonly chosen packaging options for skincare cleansing lines:

  • Tube packaging
  • Bottles with pumps.
  • Bottle with a cap
  • And various other packaging formats.

Contact OCM Vietnam to explore more ideas for Pet care products .

Hotline: (028) 394 92 902 – (028) 394 92 802

